Every parent knows the importance of taking their children to be regularly measured and fitted for shoes. This is the first step to healthy feet. But just like visiting the dentist, all children should regularly see a foot podiatrist and chiropody clinic for a full foot health check up.
For most children the odd verrucae or ingrowing toenail is all that will trouble them.
Occasionally, however, parents will have a particular concern about the growth of their child’s feet or the way they walk.
We will undertake an assessment of your child’s feet and advise if there is any further action required and plan with you a treatment and review programme.
At our Longfield and Maidstone Podiatry clinics we will undertake an assessment of your child’s feet and advise if there is any further action required. If necessary our foot specialist will plan with you a treatment and review programme.
We don’t scare, we care. We have children of or our own and know that visiting somewhere new can be an overwhelming situation. There are no white coats and scary equipment, just a friendly person taking a look at their feet.